Thursday, January 8, 2015

1/8/2015- Had my second ultrasound on Monday and my lining was only at 5mm so they upped my estrace, next ultrasound is tomorrow! Pretty fucking nervous about it! I am doing every little thing I can think of to increase blood flow vaginal region! Estrace does make my bewbies bigger which is fucking incredible and also makes me have more love juice LOL :-D
Went to acupuncture last night and I am pretty sure he thinks I am a fucking loon lol. Actually I am sure anyone who encounters me right after I leave work thinks that because I am still wound up running around at 1,000mph not making any damn sense!
I absolutely LOVE my acupuncturist though! He is SO gay and it is incredible. He is so sweet and funny! <3

As far as the Heparin....I FUCKING HATE this time. I really cant figure it out but it hates me this go 'round. My last cycle was nearly painless, bruise and track mark free! This time is so painful! FML

Friday, January 2, 2015

1/1/2014-Really. Been on blood thinners for only 4 days!!! Last time I didn't start getting marks until a month in!! Hopefully these clear up before I have to be in a bikini! We leave in 12 days! EEK!

12/31/2014-Had my first acupuncture appt today! They hooked me up to lil electric current thingy ma-bobs this time which honestly annoyed the piss out of me but whatever works!!