Transfer Day! So this happened today! I realized Im a incredibly behind in updating sooooo here it goes....
We had our last transfer at Barbados fertility Centre in October of 2015 which was unsuccessful. We actually took it pretty well to be honest!
In November of 2015 I ended up started working a job that covers IVF on the health insurance so that became effective on January 1st 2016! Due to now having health insurance coverage we had to cycle locally so we chose a local Clinic called MCRM in St Louis Missouri!
We decided to do 2 IVF egg retrievals with Banking and pgs testing! Our first a retrieval was on February 26th 2016 and it went pretty well. We ended up with 2 pgs normal males and 1 "no result" that we had retested that ended up coming back a NORMAL female! Then we did our second retrieval May 14th 2016 & we ended up with 2 pgs normal males & 2 normal females! For a grand total of 3 pgs normal females and 4 pgs normal males!
We decided to take the summer off and not transfer anything just to kind of have a "summer of fun" and also we like to be secretive about what we are doing to our friends and neighbors and we spend a lot of time at the pool during the summer and daily blood thinner injections leave quite the fun marks on my belly so they would have known something was up specially with me not drinking haha!
Me and him talked long and hard and he decided he really wants a girl so we elected to do a single Embryo transfer of a female! THAT WAS TODAY!! PIC BELOW!
She was a 5BB and she thawed beautifully!
I will start testing probably like a psycho on Monday 4dp5dt 🤓
Overall.... honestly feel really good. I feel hopeful yet extremely realistic which I think is the best way to be!
If it works of course we will be over the moon but if it doesn't work knowing we have backup embryos is is nice and reassuring.
Im ready for whatever comes my way!!!
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