12/10/2013- 2dp5dt! My night cramps returned & got pretty painful last night. I think it's the progesterone. They started happening at night the night after ER which is when I started crinone but they stopped for the last couple nights (minus a dull ache). They started mild at 9 PM and by 12 am were picking up & woke me from my sleep at 130am. It's a burning deep ache. I was happy they stopped before ET but now it's kinda freaking me out. Hope it doesn't mess implantation up . I am also very curious why the cramping is ONLY at night!
I messaged my clinic about the cramping and she had me pop over for a scan (the clinic is literally next door to where we are staying) she said I do have enlarged ovaries but not OHSS. She said the cramping is most likely from my ovaries shrinking back down. She said they taking up my whole abdomen almost and the pressure can make it feel like it is actually the uterus cramping. She wasn't concerned at all tho which made me feel a lot better!
Besides that I feel happy, healthy & positive! Although I am bummed that we only have one more beach day :(
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