12/23/2013- 4 weeks 6 days/15dp5dt! Going to FREAK THE FUCK OUT! I just called my OB this morning and of course got the ONE bitchy nurse in the office who kinda blew me off and was like "if you don't hear from me by the afternoon then call back." I even told her I hardly slept waiting for these and that I knew the results were already there from the lab but the lazy beeotch would not go to the damn fax and look for them like the other nurses! GRRRR.
Besides that I never got my cramping last night which is good....yet, I worried now that I didn't get it! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I am going to SNAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!
*UPDATE* My 3rd beta wasn't too great

Its 585. STILL rising but not near doubling. They say 48-72 hours to double but that would be 81 hours. My OB's office is still optimistic but I cant help read statistics online. Next beta is Thursday.
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