Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4/8/2015- Fuck me running!
Monday was my second lining check and it was horrible like my cancelled FET in January! It was on Day17, with no ovulation and lining was 5.82mm and I had the free fluid again as well as fluid in my uterus that actually did not appear at first. The fluid showed up after my ovary measurements were taken and then tech went back to take with her dildo rod and took one final look at my lining and then out of nowhere the fluid was there.
My opk was just positive today at day 18... maybe 19, I AM OUTTA WACK!
My nurse at my OB/GYN and my clinic are hypothesizing that my thin lining and fluid issue is hormone related which is suspected by my late ovulation and open cervix which is allowing fluid in and out? WHATEVER, Just FIX IT! BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

4/1/2015- My first lining check was March 4th as it took 5.5 weeks to start my period.

TO MY SUPRISE.....My lining was NORMAL! Well it was 7mm but I had not even ovulated yet (ovulated3 days later) so it was still growing!!!  Apparently ONE PERCENT of women do not absorb forms of estrogen other than their own!!! So.....I don't have a lining issue after all!

The only downside to me is that our clinic is out of the county and we now have to do a "natural" frozen embryo transfer cycle and you can't book anything in advance because there's no way to plan on when you start a period and ovulate so when we book our next trip we won't book it until day 1 of my cycle and then we would leave about 16 ish days later.


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