Sunday, October 18, 2015

10/18/2015=9dp5dt - BIG FUCKING NEGATIVE!

Mild af cramping .

Saturday, October 17, 2015

10/17/2015= 8dp5dt BFN

No cramping, back pain better. Increased brown-purplish discharge when i clean out crinone. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16/2015= 7dp5dt- BFN...AGAIN! WTF?!

My back hurts again and am feeling mild cramps like I do right before my period comes still. This is ANNOYING AS FUCK. My test would be positive by now if I was pregnant but its also too early for I am getting pissed off.

My stomach is also hurting which is gastritis that I have which flares up occasionally.

4pm: my feet are ICE COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cramping comes and goes. Had purpley-brown mucousy globs tonight when i cleaned out.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15/2015= 6dp5dt- Glaring white BFN today FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that it matter but have a lower back ache today and am really tired.
Also, started having a warm dull achey cramp type feeling. Why does it feel like af is coming?
I cleaned up there again tonight and has more brownish-pink specs.
10/14/2015= 5dp5dt- Travelled home today. Saw some very tiny brown pink specs when I was cleaning out the crinone, prob irritation from it.
I feel no cramps or anything....I don't think it worked.

Tested last when I got home and BFN.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13/2015= 4dp5dt! Holy peeing! Its 15 til 7pm and starting about 2 hours ago I have to pee every 30min...a lot of pee too! It was bad last night but not like this. I had this when I was pg but know its the damn progesterone!
I do have a heaviness feeling in my lower abdomen as well which I assume is from my horrible constipation! Idk where the hell my poop hides in there! Ughhhh

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12/2015= 3dp5dt! We snorkeled with turtles today which was incredible! Im feeling good just veryyyyyy constipated so I caved and drank some milk of magnesia. Also still feeling a dull burn like a uti but it doesnt burn at all to pee. Very strange.
I feel no implantation cramps or anything but I didnt with my last bfp either. I am feeling like I need to pee a lot too tonight & last night when im laying down.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ive been so horrible at updating! We are in Barbados tho finally! Lining was 8mm when i started  progesterone but compressed to 7.3mm.

10/9/2015- Transfer day! Bladder was actually too full so i had to be drained with a catheter which was a strange experience lol. We transferred 2 good quality blasts! I had a small cramp at transfer & then mild cramping that night.

10/10/2015 =1dp5dt had brown blood clots midday.  No cramping. Felt really good just constipated.

10/11/2015 =2dp5dt very sleepy today. No cramping. Feels like i may have a mild uti tho :/

Friday, October 9, 2015

10/9/2015-  Laying on the beach after our transfer today :)